At Tapestry Telehealth, we are honored not only by the faith our long-term care (LTC) partners have in us helping them care for their residents in rural areas, but also for the positive and honest feedback we receive from administrators, clinicians and medical professionals who use our unique telemedicine platform.
A few months ago, Tapestry Telehealth partnered with ABCM Corp. to implement our advanced telemedicine model at seven of its rural rehabilitation and long-term care facilities in northcentral and southeastern Iowa. Each facility has a dedicated practitioner working virtually with on-site nursing teams as part of regular and scheduled rounds.
The introduction so far has been seamless and the experience of Tapestry Telehealth professionals in designing the platform specifically for rural care is an added benefit.
Here’s what ABCM Corp. Chief Operating Officer Alexa Mayner had to say about Tapestry Telehealth since its introduction into the facilities:

And Tapestry Telehealth is unique.
Most telemedicine programs offer only silos of care --- for wound care or psychiatry, for example --- rather than a comprehensive medical team. The Tapestry Telehealth model provides a dedicated nurse practitioner supported by a full-scope multi-specialty medical and behavioral health group.
Having a dedicated practitioner is important because it means he or she gets to know the residents and patients as much as the staff, and that knowledge and consistency of care help to improve medical outcomes.
As ABCM Executive Medical Director Dr. Samuel Stanton said: “How care is delivered in the 21st century is changing rapidly. … (Tapestry’s) model aims to cut through the noise and keep resident care front and center where it belongs.”