Plenty! Making sure that your physical therapy is medically supervised by a doctor and not simply by a physical therapist can make the difference between a brief, successful rehab and a potentially life altering, lengthy process with unsatisfactory results. Before you commit to a skilled nursing facility for a limited period of rehabilitation from a surgery, cardiac event or other situation, find out if the facility has a board-certified clinician on staff, and ask about their involvement in PT. At TapestryHealth we don’t just treat our patient’s illnesses, we are primary care physicians who connect all dots in our patients’ lives. That means treating their medical issues, evaluating their therapy programs and following up with them and their therapists throughout the process. We even meet regularly with the recreation staff and the dietary team, because engaged, comfortable people heal better, faster. Your primary care physician should be the one who knows every aspect of your care – how well you are healing, how well you are eating, how well your rehab is advancing, and even if you’re engaging in a proper social life while you’re recovering. And that’s what you can expect from TapestryHealth.